"smco ring magnets" の検索結果 431 件

  1. アベマキは堅いのなんのって・・・


    今日の作業は駐車場脇の「アベマキ(棈)」の大木の伐採。大きくなり過ぎたのと、台風などで倒れると車などに被害が及ぶ恐れがあるため、これから暖かくなり、桜が咲いて公園が賑わいだす前に、伐ってしまおうと決める。 「アベマキ」は、「クヌギ(椚、櫟)」によく似ていて、樹皮がコルク状なので、「コルククヌギ」、「ワタクヌギ」とも呼ばれ、何か柔らかそうな印象を受けるが、中の材はとても堅く、伐採中、何回もチ...

  2. The NIB and SmCo were developed as early as the 1970s

    The NIB and SmCo were developed as early as the 1970s

    The strength of the magnetic fields is measured with two units, the Gauss and Tesla. Depending on the application, the magnet can be configured in many ways. The astronauts used neodymium to mainta...

  3. These wonderful places supply giant alternatives of excessive-quality goods

    These wonderful places supply giant alternatives of excessive-quality goods

    What promotional fridge magnets all have in frequent is that they;re cheap ads that may be displayed at eye-stage in a single place for many years. Businesses buy groceries on-line for his or her g...

  4. Using this method to remind about yourself

    Using this method to remind about yourself

    Nowadays, a lot companies have a modern printed magnetic cards as a corporate accessory and a sign of good taste. It is pretty convenient, for example, to order sushi or pizza without plunging into...

  5. Details Regarding Forged Circles and Forged Rings

    Details Regarding Forged Circles and Forged Rings

    What is Forged Circles And Forged Rings?Forging is one of the oldest methods of metalworking. It involves shaping hot metal into specific shapes with hammers, pieces of metal, and other tools. Forg...

  6. 徒然 #27

    徒然 #27


  7. 10 Tips for Buying a Diamond Engagement Ring

    10 Tips for Buying a Diamond Engagement Ring

    Looking for the perfect diamond engagement ring? You’ll need to know about the 4Cs of diamond quality, metal characteristics, setting styles and more. Follow these 10 tips for buying an engagement...

  8. OURA RING Gen.3

    OURA RING Gen.3

    OURA RING Heritage Black(Gen.3)を使い始めて、およそ1週間が経った。それまで使っていたGen.1のデータをバックアップし、Gen.3に引き継ぐ。Gen.1は休息モードにしてお蔵入りし、2度のアップデートを経てGen.3を使う段取りが整った。Gen.1には搭載されていなかった【血中酸素ウェルネス】が計測されるようになり、主に就寝中の呼吸の良し悪しがAppで判別出来...

  9. 3/4 inch x 1/8 inch N52 Strong Round Magnets Cylinder Magent Small Circle Magnet

    3/4 inch x 1/8 inch N52 Strong Round Magnets Cylinder Magent Small Circle Magnet

    This powerful neodymium disc magnet measures 3/4" in diameter, 1/8" in thickness, with the pull force of 11.7 lb vertically. It is made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron, plated ...

  10. 最新世代


    新しいOURA RING(しかも最新世代)が、手に入った。それまで愛用していたOURA RING(Gen.1)のバッテリーの持ちが短くなってきて、さてどうしたものかと考えていて、ふと「サポートに問い合わせてみよう」と思い立った。専用Appのヘルプ→お問い合わせへアクセスすると、チャット形式で会話が出来るようになっている。試しに「バッテリーの持ちが短くなった」と相談してみると、幾つかの確認事項...

1 - 10 / 総件数:431 件